Saturday, October 4, 2008

What do I write about?

If you are new to blogging, you may be wondering what do I write about and who would want to read it? These are common questions. When you are starting your own small business, you may not feel like an expert in your field. But you are an expert. Your customers come to you because you provide a valuable service that they need.

You are working in your small business most likely because it is something that you love to do. Share your enthusiasm for your work in your blog. Write tips and news and articles to share with your customers. Read other blogs and articles in your industry and write summaries and link to their blog posts and articles. Be sure to give credit to the original author when quoting their work. It's not cool to plaguarize - that means take someone else's words and pass them off as your own. You are welcome to re-write ideas and concepts in your own words.

Common blog post ideas:
- Make top 10 lists eg. my top 10 favourite blogs that I read
- My top ten favourite blogs on How to Start a Small Business
- Link to another article or blog post
- Post weekly or daily tips on how to use your service better

Here is some good advice from Audrey of SisterInc.

Set up a blog and start writing about what you know. This is a great way to build expert status and to also get others involved with the conversation when they leave comments on your blog. The key to blogging is to blog consistently. This means that you should be blogging at least once a day and even more if possible.

Further Reading:
Read the full article on Building Expert Status.

Till next time,
Keep blogging!


Friday, October 3, 2008

Blog Writing Tips

Good blogs to read for Blog writing tips:

Daily Blog Tips
Here's an excellent blog post on 101 Blog Tips.
For more blog writing tips, visit the blog:
- Exellent resource for online marketing with social media
Article on Corporate Blog Writing Etiquette

Here's another great article:
How to Start and Keep Blogging