Monday, August 18, 2008

Your 1 Minute Introduction

I've been attending a lot of networking events recently. So I'm getting in some practice on giving my one minute intro. One of my favourite events is the eWomen Network event. They meet once a month for dinner or lunch and a speaker on a practical topic on how to grow your business. Here's some tips they gave me for giving a great one minute intro:

Here are some helpful preparation tips for tomorrow's networking event:

Spend some time today thinking about how you will introduce yourself to others tomorrow. We call this your "60-second commercial." You will be asked to tell us, in 60 seconds or less the following:

Who you are

What do you offer

What do you specifically need in the next 30 - 60 days

What do you plan to purchase, for personal or business reasons, in the next 30 - 60 days

One of the keys to the success of our networking events is our philosophy of "GIVING FIRST." Translated, this means we approach networking from a position of abundance, where giving to others leads to unlimited opportunities for all. Tomorrow, as you meet and connect with others, please approach all of your interactions from a place of "giving." Seek first to help others before being helped.

We promise, by engaging in our "giving" approach to relationship building you will gain more from this eWomenNetwork experience than you ever imagined.

Check out future events at

For events in Surrey or Vancouver, BC Canada: